Thursday, April 2, 2009

So this is blogging

Even though I do computer systems engineering for a living, I'm pretty hands off when it comes to working with the technology in my off hours unlike most of the people I know and work with in the industry. I could blog about all the different systems and applications I work with on daily basis but the truth is for me it is a job, not my life.

I'd much rather talk about things I'm interested in doing while outside of work. Skiing has been a passion of mine for more than 20 years and Telemark skiing has been the only skiing I've done for the past 5 years or so.

Now I don't consider myself one of those Tele snob's who think they are better than your average Alpine skier.. most of my friends are fixed heeler's. One of the main reason's I Tele is because its actually easier on my back than Alpine.. but that is where the easy part ends... more later.

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